"You're gonna meet new friends, new teachers and you will learn a lot of things there.."
My mum was saying as she dressed me up in my new uniform for the very first day of my "Nursery" class..As a small three-year-old I thought a lot about who friends are and how i was supposed to indentify them at a place like skool..It was somehow..umm..let's say weird and strange to a kiddo like me then.. **O.o**
Anyways, as time flew by i understood what friends meant and how i can be called as a friend to my other classmates..Annnd yeap, I made a bunches of friends out there!!...
Eversince that day,I have met a lot of great GRRRREAT friends till today..Oh!and some not so great friends as well ** =P ** These lots of besties have taught me a lot in my life and i will always be thankful deep in my heart ** Grinning as much as i can =D **
I, as a kid, have met and considered a lot as the best friends in my life..Everytime, for various reasons i had to wave them good bye..Like:
-Jumanath: My first BFF ever.She left after grade 4, for studies..
-Nashaya: Distance did it all as we got into two different classes one year..
-Afna: In Male'..studyng.Yet, our friendship still the same ♥
As u can see..most of them moved away to other places for STUDIES.Call it fate.Hah!
Still, they are being missed truly for who they've been ♥ ** =) **.
Soooon enough my 'nother bestie will bid me goodbye..Yeaaahh!!Schayein, m talkin abt you.Umm..I might have not told you this before..but, you've really been a true guidance to me and to all your friends.I just want to say the 8-letter word "T H A N K Y O U" for all the things you've done for me.The sacrifices, the fun and THE LECTURES too **=D**.. This small thank you aint really enuf..and it never will be, to thank a great girl like you. ** M Gonnna Miss You!!!!!!!!**
Readers, Me and Schayein used to study together when we were kids..We used to go the Quraan class together annnnd most of all we are neighbours too ** O.o **..We were friends then as well, but it wasnt until last year when we grew so close to each other..Let's just say i was blessed with her blissful presence in my life..=)
Speaking of last year, along with the Schayein I did get 'nother angel..As schayein would say, the million dollar smiley --ALY--..He beats the rest and is the bestest buddy i have met..
He is just THE BEST ♥..I love him sooooo much..[Pssst..He is my boyfriend as well **wink** and we are celebrating our 10th month of togetherness tomorow]
Homies, I have also found sweet friends online and even some on blogosphere.Thanks for being there!!
All i have asked in friendship was understanding and loyalty. Those who managed to be, made it with me till today. **Sigh** I love all of my friends..I cant name each of you here.Some may slip outta my mind..But it doesnt mean i forgot you..Ofcourse,You are being missed Dumbos :P.
No matter how we might have detached, someday we will meet and re-unite..We will catch up on the things we missed out, and remnicise about the past times and smile with joy!!!
~~♥ With heartfelt wishes, Dedicated to all my lovely friends ♥~~
Bloggers, Ciao later =)
Nice entry baby =] And thanks for the compliments. You are the kind of friends people would always like to have.
=)Thaaaaaank you..This post came straight from my heart, and the things written about you are what i honestly feel..m glad you liked it ** Smiling **
the bestest post ever;)since i dont own a blog..heres for you: you are one of the sweetest friend ever though i dont say it a lot of times 8-) love you always..
hehe..that was so sweet. Thaank you and luuurve you too :)
whoa.. THT was such thweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet post.. *teary eyes*
ok ok.. be a gud frnd and ull get gud frnds... mwahz.. x] x]
hehe..i will i will..and lilly u too are among the friends i met on blogsphere.. =)btw thank you
Love uuuuu... =]
heheh =] thank you skarlit.
♥ u :)
shweet post!! and nice to have a blog buddy like u :}
Oww..the pleasure's all mine =]
awww.. i have tears in my eyes!
well you cant blame me, it is touching. and im gonna miss you too :|
dont worry, we'll keep in touch all the way long.. just keep being the lil joyful person you are, and everything would be okay..
annnnnnd yeah.. thanks for allll those nice things you've said about me, which i dont deserve anyway.
=) Well whether u believe it or not, u do deserve it. annd yeah we will stay in touch.Thas for shure. I hope things turn out okay for both of us.
Btw, your gift is still waiting :D.. hehe
>>> Be the head-Banger you've always been ;) and go rock CHSE!! woohoo!!!!!
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