"You're gonna meet new friends, new teachers and you will learn a lot of things there.."
My mum was saying as she dressed me up in my new uniform for the very first day of my "Nursery" class..As a small three-year-old I thought a lot about who friends are and how i was supposed to indentify them at a place like skool..It was somehow..umm..let's say weird and strange to a kiddo like me then.. **O.o**
Anyways, as time flew by i understood what friends meant and how i can be called as a friend to my other classmates..Annnd yeap, I made a bunches of friends out there!!...
Eversince that day,I have met a lot of great GRRRREAT friends till today..Oh!and some not so great friends as well ** =P ** These lots of besties have taught me a lot in my life and i will always be thankful deep in my heart ** Grinning as much as i can =D **
I, as a kid, have met and considered a lot as the best friends in my life..Everytime, for various reasons i had to wave them good bye..Like:
-Jumanath: My first BFF ever.She left after grade 4, for studies..
-Nashaya: Distance did it all as we got into two different classes one year..
-Afna: In Male'..studyng.Yet, our friendship still the same ♥
As u can see..most of them moved away to other places for STUDIES.Call it fate.Hah!
Still, they are being missed truly for who they've been ♥ ** =) **.
Soooon enough my 'nother bestie will bid me goodbye..Yeaaahh!!Schayein, m talkin abt you.Umm..I might have not told you this before..but, you've really been a true guidance to me and to all your friends.I just want to say the 8-letter word "T H A N K Y O U" for all the things you've done for me.The sacrifices, the fun and THE LECTURES too **=D**.. This small thank you aint really enuf..and it never will be, to thank a great girl like you. ** M Gonnna Miss You!!!!!!!!** Readers, Me and Schayein used to study together when we were kids..We used to go the Quraan class together annnnd most of all we are neighbours too ** O.o **..We were friends then as well, but it wasnt until last year when we grew so close to each other..Let's just say i was blessed with her blissful presence in my life..=) Speaking of last year, along with the Schayein I did get 'nother angel..As schayein would say, the million dollar smiley --ALY--..He beats the rest and is the bestest buddy i have met..
He is just THE BEST ♥..I love him sooooo much..[Pssst..He is my boyfriend as well **wink** and we are celebrating our 10th month of togetherness tomorow]
Homies, I have also found sweet friends online and even some on blogosphere.Thanks for being there!!
All i have asked in friendship was understanding and loyalty. Those who managed to be, made it with me till today. **Sigh** I love all of my friends..I cant name each of you here.Some may slip outta my mind..But it doesnt mean i forgot you..Ofcourse,You are being missed Dumbos :P.
No matter how we might have detached, someday we will meet and re-unite..We will catch up on the things we missed out, and remnicise about the past times and smile with joy!!!
~~♥ With heartfelt wishes, Dedicated to all my lovely friends ♥~~
Bloggers, Ciao later =)